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Motherhood is such a blessing – but can wreak havoc on the body. A “mommy makeover” is a customized set of procedures to restore the female body after pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.
If you are one of the countless women that struggles with the changes you see in your body after having children, we invite you to speak with us about having a mommy makeover in Valdosta to return your body to its pre-baby condition.
Procedures Used in a Mommy Makeover
Every woman who has this procedure has unique physical problems to resolve. The procedures that may be included in a custom mommy makeover include:

Tummy Tuck
As your muscles, skin, and tissue stretch to accommodate a growing baby, the area can be damaged. Stretch marks, sagging skin, and fatty deposits that linger can leave a mother feeling less confident and dismayed at how her body looks. A tummy tuck will repair stretched or split muscles, remove excess skin and fat, and restore a fit, trim, attractive abdomen. In many cases, unsightly stretch marks are removed from the lower abdomen during a tummy tuck for even more relief.
It may be necessary to extract excess fat that just won’t go away after having children. Whether it is located on the tummy, buttocks, thighs, or love handles, liposuction can remove the excess and recreate the slim figure you had prior to becoming a mother.
Breast Lift
The hormones produced during pregnancy increases the breast size, and breastfeeding adds to the larger size. As the breasts swell and become heavy, the skin stretches. For many women, their breasts are never the same, and now sag, droop, or appear deflated. A breast lift restores the breasts to the youthful location they had prior to pregnancy, and reshapes the breast tissue to a rounded, youthful look.
Breast Augmentation
Many women choose to have both a breast lift and breast augmentation as part of a mommy makeover. The breasts may have lost volume, or the woman simply wants a larger size. The new breasts will be rounded, natural looking, and attractive.
Body Sculpting
Depending upon what happened to your body during pregnancy, you may require advanced body sculpting to trim away excess fat with Sculpsure or lipo to restore the trim, fit look you had before you had children.
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Candidates for a Mommy Makeover
If you are tired of seeing body flaws and dream of restoring your pre-baby body, you may be a candidate for a custom Waycross mommy makeover.
A good candidate will be in the following condition:
- In good health
- Non-smoker
- You are at (or close to) your normal weight
- You don’t plan on breastfeeding in the future
- You have support from family or close friends to help you while you recover
Recovery After a Mommy Makeover
While this is a custom procedure, some general rules apply to recovery. Most women who have a mommy makeover have had a tummy tuck and breast surgery. The recovery from these procedures will require several weeks. The most difficult section is the first few days. You will be able to limit pain and discomfort with prescription pain medication, usually only needed during the first week. You will be very tired – your body needs to rest more than anything. You must have help during this time, as you will not be able to reach, lift, or stretch. Keeping your incisions free from stress is very important.
Depending upon the number of procedures performed, you will need from one to four weeks to rest and recuperate. If you work at a desk job, plan on two weeks away from work. Younger patients may feel strong enough to return to work earlier – everyone heals at a varying rate. An average is two weeks.
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